Saturday 14 February 2015

The God Interviews

The text below is reproduced from reviews of Natalie’s book on her website. I find writing here harder and harder, sometimes labouring for days over a draft and then scrapping it. In the early days I’d write simply, with the freshness and naïveté of an unguarded moment among friends; something I only manage now in comments and emails, which might be a bit loose and slapdash, but seldom cause later regret. (Note to self: a lesson here.) So I’ll let the following tell its own story:

by Ian Vincent Mulder—via personal email [to Natalie] January 30, 2015

Today I thought I would like to write a blog post about The God Interviews, but soon realized it wouldn’t do at all—I must address you personally. Your book is concise and punchy, I find myself wanting to comment in snippets, almost as if imitating its format. I shall give my personal reaction, not as some reviewer or critic whose job is to make judgements on behalf of the world. In any case, no one can give more than a personal reaction. So this is what I came up with: a kind of scorecard, evaluating the book under various headings.

The most profound page:
“What is really real about you?”
“That which cannot be imagined.” (page 82)

Most engaging, striking, enlightening (or perhaps just my favourite—especially because of the angels):
“Why don’t you just send angels to clear up the mess and end the pain?”
“There’s been a drop in the number of angels signing up for those jobs. I’m having to rely on civilian volunteers.”

It might be the wittiest as well, but I’m not doing a beauty contest on that—there would be too many contestants.

Comparison with Neale Donald Walsch:
I have a copy of his Conversations with God for Teens, having appropriated it from one of my younger children years ago. Walsch is wordy & ever-conscious of the misery in the world. His own life-experience, and thus the inspiration for his books, comes from a rather dark place. His format of short questions (apparently from real kids), answered by God at length with no word-limit, encourages the mushrooming of sermons, a multiplicity of selling points, examples, instructions. (He had a background in radio presenting, marketing & PR). Your comic-book format & artistic vocation dictates short questions and pithy answers. Your cartoon frames demand visual and conversational entertainment, inventive pictures and text. You are faultlessly fertile. Walsch soon gets tedious. I can’t think of an instance where artistry and entertainment conspire to corner you into mediocrity, or a wrong note. But I will dredge up some critical points in due course.

Most memorable image:
The Eternitree (page 43). Memorable for conveying that God stands in one-to-one relationship with all who seek this connection. See this page.

Most informative exposition of “the way God works”:
the double-page spread pp 48-49: one can only engage with God on his terms: love. The only divine power is to work as a team. The language is Goddish. I’m sure there are thousands of dense theological tomes which don’t manage to say anything as useful, or if they do, not as clearly.

Most sustained, visually inventive & witty exposition of a complex idea:
Chapter Five

Least successful chapter:
Chapter Three

Chapter Two struck me as a little odd, but I took it at face value - God saying something arbitrary to prove that Augustine is not talking to herself. And then, “If you can’t follow simple instructions, how can you prove that I exist?” which doesn’t quite make sense, is rather a non-sequitur, but I took it on board, thinking I was just dumb.

But in Chapter Three, we have strawberry = heart-shaped = symbol of Love (divine love), which is then confirmed in Chapter Four and thereafter, specifically pages 49, 88, 91, where the heart-shape is also identified with the cardial organ.

There is no doubt in my mind that the equation God = Love is not just offered as a cliché, but something felt. Yet I find a general difficulty with the word love, when it is presented as the singular attribute of your cartoon figure. Love, especially in the West, is a word we hear many times a day: in conversation, gossip, songs, all the media. Language is democratic---or rather anarchic. Every meaning is valid, even when we say that a prostitute has love for sale.

So I find a sogginess in the otherwise sharp & muscular argument, as expressed in images & words.

Best reference to Love:
Page 33:
“What did you do about it?”

“Cried, shouted, threatened, walked out, forgave, cried, punched, slammed, got revenge, cried, forgave, or didn’t”.

“You see, you have all those choices, I have only one.”

“Love, love love! But we’re not you - we’re only human!”

Listen listen listen!”

And perhaps this is the most profound page too, for it presents the pathos of God, the helplessness. For God is the still, small voice. What can he do alone? Not enough angels are signing up these days (like doctors in A&E! [Accident & Emergency, = ER in USA]) . . . And it offers the glimmer of insight, for those ready to pick it up, that God is the voice in the soul, that speaks to us. I would take it further and say that the soul is in everything, this force of Love is in everything, only as human beings we are pretty slow to catch it, we lose the connection. We are like a fish with no gills. Oxygen is all around but . . .

On the characters and their images:
Augustine is delightful throughout, even when incarnated briefly as a dog. God is vaguely Indian, and I wondered if his appearance was influenced by someone she had met. Anyhow, he carries himself lightly, as befits a figment of the cartoonist’s imagination who stands for the god within.* He is part of her, or she is part of him. Walsch’s God is a heavy-duty preacher. He doesn’t lighten up, doesn’t make jokes. I’ll never be able to read him again (not that I was in the habit of!)

A delight. I don’t usually read comic books. I watch “The Simpsons” a lot and appreciate how much humanity, humour and wisdom is poured into its rather crudely-drawn characters. Even your busy action frames are well-drawn where it matters. The main scenes, like the cover, where Augustine & God gaze eye to eye in profile, establish the delicacy---and I was going to say humanity, for God is portrayed as human for how else?---of the features, and the very expressive postures. Augustine with her little black dress, high heels & swept-back auburn hair, is all woman. God is athletic, like a yogi.

In the end of course God is unknowable so can only be portrayed that way, as in the evasive “wavy” answers of Chapter 10.

What do I take away from the book? Entertainment, aesthetic pleasure; further confirmation that the answers are within and it’s up to humanity.

What is the book’s message?
It doesn’t have a message. It is art. It is what Natalie D’Arbeloff does: shares her joy & sense of fun with the world, so that she and the world end up enriched by the exchange.

It is a book to own. I’m glad I have it.
*The sentence beginning “Anyhow, he carries himself lightly” was my own interpretation of Augustine’s God, until she set me straight on the matter, thus: “My cartoon figure of God is the way Augustine (herself a cartoon) would visualise the Deity so It may resemble her but is not meant to be her. I do not believe that God is ‘the god within’.”


At 14 February 2015 at 15:10 , Anonymous Tom said...

I enjoy this book every time I read it.

At 15 February 2015 at 09:33 , Anonymous Nelson said...

Yes, it repays each return visit.

I realized afterwards that the "review" above is addressed to someone who has the book to hand and is able to check the chapters & page references, so it speaks loudest to a smaller audience than usual. Someone might be inspired to buy it though.

At 15 February 2015 at 16:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you wrote this wonderful piece about Natalie. It was just that little nudge I needed to go ahead & order it. She seems like such a special person & brilliantly unique talent. Can't wait for it to get here!

At 15 February 2015 at 16:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think later on I'd better buy a signed copy, too. Got a hunch that in years to come her works could be listed on Abe for in the thousands & I'd kick myself if I didn't own a signed copy of this.

At 15 February 2015 at 21:04 , Anonymous Nelson said...

The best way to buy the book in the states may be via Lulu, who have the e-book version at $3.68 as opposed to the paperback at $34.54. See

In UK the e-book is $2.33 and the paperback is currently £23.

Some of the books listed at a high price on Abebooks are seriously undercut by Amazon. I see "collectors' editions" at absurd prices & don't understand it.

At 15 February 2015 at 21:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! I didn't order it from Abe, no way. Wanted a new copy, but US Amazon & LuLu prices ( in paperback) were above my budget so I bought it from UK Amazon (brand spanking new) for a grand total of only thirty-one dollars. It's all good. Thanks, Ian! :-)

At 15 February 2015 at 21:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant 'Vincent' not 'Ian'. Sorry. Don't know what hat I pulled that name out of, wow. j

At 15 February 2015 at 21:34 , Anonymous Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Woodsybit Moss (are you Cindy?) I think it's you who must have sent an order to Amazon for this book a short while ago! They send the order to me because I send on the books. So I've signed a copy and written you a note and the package will go off to you tomorrow. Thank you so much (if it's you!), Ilook forward to hearing what you think of it.

At 15 February 2015 at 21:36 , Anonymous Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

We've just posted a comment at the same time! Thanks again, Woodsy-Cindy.

At 15 February 2015 at 21:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Natalie you signed it?!! Thank You so VERY much! I hoped 'Augustine...' was you, but wasn't certain & I sure hope you don't think I was hinting for a signed copy. I really was going to order a signed one later. OMGosh, a million Thanks! It's an honor to meet you!

At 18 February 2015 at 16:59 , Anonymous ellie Clayton said...

Thank you, Natalie, for the work you are doing. By building characters who express viewpoints, you are helping people to develop their own systems of creating and relating to an image of God which is adequate to their perception of the Infinite.

At 21 February 2015 at 01:22 , Anonymous ellie Clayton said...

I wonder if my fellow bloggers get threats in their comments. We had one this week which I reported to the FBI. Is this a common occurrence?

At 21 February 2015 at 08:29 , Anonymous Nelson said...

Me, never. Occasional spam, with no connection to the blog, content or author. I forgive them when they want to draw attention to their own site, etc, but always examine for relevance, and whether they really have anything to say.

If there were anything with evidence of being aimed personally, I would certainly report to the appropriate authorities. If the same thing is being sent to others, it wouldn't be so worrying, but still worth reporting, because it would help the police assess the scale of the nuisance.

I've heard of things happening on Facebook & Twitter over here which have resulted in culprits being heavily punished, but not on blogs.


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