Sunday 24 July 2016

Nake Nula Waun Welo

[Written on July 6th, 2016]

This thing called Brexit arouses across the globe a fascination which will endure for the rest of history. The perturbations it arouses are most strong at its epicentre, the district of London called Westminster, which gives its name to the seat of government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It was an earthquake in the noösphere, a man-made accident.
Noösphere: The part of the biosphere occupied by thinking humanity; spec. (with reference to the writing of P. Teilhard de Chardin) a stage or sphere of evolutionary development characterized by (the emergence or dominance of) consciousness, the mind, and interpersonal relationships, postulated as following the stage of the establishment of human life.
I call it an accident in one of its everyday senses: not a clumsy slip so much as an unintended result, the culmination of a series of actions, millions of them, individually countable, each sincere and deliberate, whose combined outcome could not be predicted and whose result was unexpected and shocking. As cosmologists, physicists and evolutionary biologists will surely agree, we owe our very existence to accidents, without the intervention of Intelligent Design.


At 24 July 2016 at 16:32 , Anonymous Nelson said...

* “‘Nake nula wauŋ welo!’ - misunderstood as ‘today is a good day to die ...’ - Actually this Sioux war cry is grossly misunderstood - it means literally “I am ready for whatever may come.” It is optimism in the face of overwhelming pessimism or odds - a Zen sense of acceptance of fate without abdication accompanied with a will to fight to the end. This phrase spoke to me this week. . . . I hope by sharing it may help you. Don’t worry about me friends, I’m ok and believe me I will fight to the very very end.”

I’m grateful to Richard D. Titus for the above (from his Archive September 2013).

Also to Cindy for introducing me to this phrase from the Sioux people in their Lakotah language.

At 24 July 2016 at 16:36 , Anonymous Nelson said...

Also to Defender Eagle for the image and words —click to visit his or her site.

At 24 July 2016 at 19:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In The Blood - Robbie Robertson

good song!

At 24 July 2016 at 20:11 , Anonymous Nelson said...

Yes, it is, and I'm grateful to you for the introduction to this singer-songwriter, & his connection with The Band & Bob Dylan, and his going back as far as I do, nearly. And of course there are connections to the post, demonstrating if proof were needed that you are no spammer - his mother being a full-blood Mohawk for example.

I just had the idea that maybe it's time for the Native Americans to save their land—taking it back spiritually—in accordance with the traditions of their ancestors. A grand yet subtle Renaissance. Who knows what may happen now?

Nice if you would declare yourself, Anon.


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